
演讲者:亚伦·莫伯格(Aaron Moberger),亚历克斯·莫斯(Alex Moss),比尔·樱桃(Bill Cherry),克里斯·班克斯(Chris Banks),埃里克·华莱士(Eric Wallace),菲尔·麦克尼特(Phil Macnitt)

Employee Owners Talk About What an ESOP Brings to Their Beer, Their Business, and Why It’s Essential to Staying Independent With more craft breweries in the United States than ever before, many of which are over a generation old, some have had to decide on a succession plan when one or more of their founders wants to move on. Creating an Employee Stock Ownership Plan, or ESOP, is one way to ensure that a founder’s equity goes toward keeping their company independent, giving back to the employees who helped build it, and contributing in meaningful, sustainable ways to those employees’ job satisfaction and retirement accounts. Led by Alex Moss, who brings decades of experience working with employee owned companies to this panel, employee owners from 5 craft breweries talk about their ESOP journeys so far: the unique benefits, the (unforeseen) challenges, and why we believe it is important to independent craft brewing.


  • 传播对员工所有权的认识
  • 解释为什么员工所有权对于独立手工艺酿造很重要
  • 讨论ESOP作为继承计划和业务策略的优势
  • 讨论员工拥有的精酿酿造商面对的常见挑战
  • 帮助啤酒厂考虑继承计划决定ESOP是否合适




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