参议员查尔斯·舒默(Charles Schumer)加入参议院小型酿酒人核心小组



The Senate Small Brewers Caucus was created in June 2011. Its formation was led by Senators Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), in support of America’s small and independent brewers as engines of economic growth in the country. Senator Schumer becomes the核心小组的第十个成员


舒默参议员也是S. 534,小型酿酒师联邦消费税立法,现在已有37个参议院共同发起人

Learn more about this bill and see if your elected officials are supporting small brewers.如果他们还不是核心小组的成员,请采取行动contact your elected officials