


2021年11月,全国许多啤酒厂收到了Ball Corporation的通知,从2022年1月1日开始,印刷铝制罐的最低订单,即将提供的供应供应,已从每辆SKU增加一辆到五辆卡车,用于非合同客户。此外,鲍尔宣布将不再代表客户仓库库存,并将大多数非合同客户指向一组未来订单的分销商。


在上个月,酿酒商协会的工作人员一直与鲍尔和国会议员联系,讨论减轻其中一些变化的方法,并有助于确保他们对小型和独立的工艺啤酒厂没有压倒性的负面影响。在12月底,参议院财政委员会主席罗恩·怀登(Ron Wyden)(民主党 - 俄勒冈州)派遣给球公司的信要求Ball考虑在非裁定客户的直接订单上实施延迟。

Ball notified the Senator’s office and the Brewers Association that it will postpone until March 1, 2022 the implementation of their minimum order requirements for customers that do not have supply contracts with the company, with the caveat that they will not be able to provide those customers with delivery date assurances. Ball also stated that they are open to further engaging with brewers on the distributor supply option to offer additional sources of aluminum beverage packaging. Sen. Wyden issued a陈述1月4日,欢迎鲍尔推迟的决定。

尽管我们知道这并不能完全解决供应链问题,但这是向前迈出的积极一步,并打开了与球继续对话的大门。The Brewers Association will continue to look for ways to work with our elected offices in an effort to help our members who have been impacted by this and other supply chain issues.

我们希望继续听取会员的消息。随时发送电子邮件巴特·沃森Chuck Skypeck关于供应链问题如何影响您的啤酒厂的故事。